How Vanguard Works
At its core, Vanguard is based on drop-ship arrangements with leading soft goods vendors in the golf business, over thirty in all, and built upon Magento Community Edition 1.7, the industry’s gold standard under the hood.
Our order fulfillment process can broken down to the following steps:
• The customer places the order via your club website.
• Vanguard processes the transaction and captures payment.
• Customer receives an automated e-mail including the details of the order.
• Club staff receives an automated e-mail on such sale with all details.
• Order information is forwarded to all relevant vendors.
• Vendors upload tracking numbers as orders are processed and shipped.
• Customer receives automated e-mail including all necessary tracking numbers.
• The order is delivered to the customer.
• At the end of the month all vendors who processed order for that month invoice Vanguard and we pay all invoices.
• Following the end of each month Vanguard sends the club a detailed sales report (along with a check as long as certain conditions are met) for the club’s earned revenues less any fees due Vanguard on such month’s transaction.
That’s the short version, so you may have additional questions. Let us know how we can help!